Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Traditions...Routines...GET OVER IT!

"But Peter said, 'NOT SO, LORD! For I have never eaten anything common or unclean.' And a voice spoke to him again the second time 'What God has cleansed you must not call common.'" Acts 10:14-15

We often times hold onto traditions we have. It may be something that's through your family, or culturally, or even something you just do for no particular reason. The fact of the matter is we all have some sort of a routine. In this piece of Scripture we see God asking Peter to break that routine he was used to. I think God was calling Peter to step out of his comfort zone and go to minister to a completely new people group. Peter was not necessarily a smart man.. Yet God wanted to use him(as we see later in chapter 10) to preach the Gospel to a man who was of a higher status than Peter and probably, as far as the world saw him, smarter.

God wanted to use a seemingly dumb guy to bring the message of His equal Grace!
So there's hope for people like me! God loves to use us stupid people! But we need to be willing to let go of our routines and traditions in life.. Get over your ways and be ready for His ways. God doesn't ask us to go around and teach people about our traditions and to give them a daily schedule of how to live like us. We need to give them the Bible and show them how to live like Christ. Be very weary of anyone, aside from Christ, who tells you how to live like them... or says 'Just follow these 5 steps from my life and yours will be perfect' IT'S Bogus..

OK so the point is everyone needs to come to know God, cause without Him..well, life stinks and is meaningless and only gets worse when you die...way worse, and yes i am referring to hell, cause simply said.. that's where ya go if you don't know the Lord. So anyway, if we are holding on to our traditions and routines in life too tightly we may miss an opportunity to share Christ's Love with someone. Tattooed gangsters need to know God loves um, just as much as pasty white kids playing halo do. Don't get so stuck into your old traditions or routines that you neglect someone who may have grown up differently than you.. Yet at the same time remember you can influence the world without partaking with it! We aren't of this world. So what it all boils down to is that: in Heaven, the way you open presents, the football team you cheer for, or the neighborhood you grew up in won't matter whether or not you have a complete love for Jesus is all that will matter.

Live for Jesus and nothing else. Jesus Christ is the only way to go to Heaven and apart from Jesus there is no meaning in life. Dont live for anything else but to please God! Have a great day and God Bless!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Can God be Shut Down?

Acts 6:38-39 "And now I (Gamaliel) say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it- lest you even be found to fight against God."

So this is part of the section of Acts being covered this Friday at the Ranch College group. This has always been a part of Acts which makes me fall into conviction for the way I live my life for God. It is amazing to see the apostles doing things like this. They are so filled with the Holy Spirit, or Counselor, that nothing can phase them. Prior to this account they were thrown into jail for teaching in the name of Jesus. They are freed from jail by an angel of the Lord, and go right back to teaching in the same place they were just caught and imprisoned from. These apostles knew what they believed, but more so they lived what they believed.
We, as Christians, are not too far off from this state of imprisonment. The press is now littered with all kinds of stories of so called "Hate Crimes" from preachers just simply preaching the Bible. This scares me because of the weakened state of the Church now days. I look at the majority of the American Church body and, unfortunately, I do not see a people group ready to stand. But rather, a people group ready to apologize for the absolute truth of the Gospel. Very soon we will not be living in a place where we can just make it by saying we believe. We are soon going to see a specific separation of people who are willing to live what they believe rather than just say what they believe.
So my question to you (all 4 people who might read this) is are you willing to stop sitting down and are you willing to stand? Are you willing to loose favor in the public view for your faith? Are you willing to stand on the inerrant truth of the Bible and teach the Bible in it's entirety? Are you willing to stand up to this watered down doctrine that pollutes our church now days? You want to be loving? Then don't allow people to be so easily deceived by this false doctrine that is disguised with a costume of love yet really denies any reverence for God. Just as Gamaliel pointed out to us, If it is of God it cannot be shut down. Well guess what, that was said over 2000 years ago and Christianity is still here. God cannot be shut down.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Starting off

So I guess this is where i write stuff that is super deep and relates to the world? Well, nothing going on right now but maybe when I am feeling more in depth with life i will write something!